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The Next Tour of Duty

Every year, roughly 250,000 military services members will become veterans.

Following the completion of their military service these veterans will relocate based on where they hail from and more importantly, where they get the next chapter of their career started. For many this is a confusing and unsettling experience.

It has all the markings of a midlife crisis, along with the challenges of uprooting your family from their social network, beginning a new career in a different industry and a different job category. There are two things that can ease this drastic change for veterans.

Military Leadership

First, by joining companies with veterans in the leadership ranks. No amount of PR campaigns or employment programs can improve the impact that having leadership that shares the same lived experience. In this case, having leadership that has endured and triumphed over their own military career transition to civilian life is invaluable to making the next stage of veterans career a success.

The skills that many who have served in the armed forces acquire through their military service can easily be applied to the renewable energy industry. Being able to translate those skills onto a resume or during an interview, however, is a different matter that many veterans struggle with when looking for work post service. Which is why having military experience in the leadership ranks is so critical to recognizing, valuing, and rewarding that military service.

Opportunities for Veterans

Many veterans learn crafts and technical skills that can benefit the solar industry during their time in active duty. However, veterans also have workforce assets beyond strictly technical skills. The training that veterans receive during their service enables them to both operate on their own and effectively coordinate as part of a team. This, along with their accumulated leadership skills, make many veterans perfect fits for work in the renewable energy industry.

The wind technician role is one that appeals to many veterans where there is a high degree of independence and problem solving involved that requires self motivation, creativity, and a solid work ethic.